Using PixiWeb Modes to Unlock Greater Applications

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PixiWeb is a customizable photo sharing software that allows users to create branded photo galleries on the web.

What started out as virtual photobooth software built for virtual (and hybrid) events has evolved into a platform with a broad set of applications depending on what you're looking to accomplish.

As our clients became more and more creative with how they used PixiWeb, we did our best to take notice so we could make their job easier and more effective by adding select features and “modes”.

Each PixiWeb account offers a variety of different modes that will allow you to use PixiWeb for different applications like event photos, portfolio galleries, live slideshow displays, and capturing user-generated content. PixiWeb’s simple interface will help you get up and running in no time!

Our “no-code” site builder puts the power to create events campaigns directly in your hands. Not to mention, a PixiWeb account allows you to manage all of the images uploaded to your PixiWeb sites for bulk downloading or deleting photos; reducing the risk of inappropriate content or curating it to look perfect!

PixiWeb runs on AWS, ensuring that your website is always up and running. The company provides the latest in data security so you can rest assured knowing all of your photos are safe with us.

Our subscription tiers for PixiWeb are simple and straightforward. There are no hidden fees or limits for adding new images to any of your event photo galleries. Our goal all along has been to make PixiWeb more accessible, more affordable, and more scalable for our clients. We believe the future holds an untold number of PixiWeb opportunities and by empowering our users with unfettered access, we know they'll be our most valuable asset in unlocking future applications.

Virtual Photo Booth mode

Our virtual photo booth software application was originally built for virtual events, but evolved for hybrid and in-person events.

Virtual Photo Booth Software\

PixiWeb Virtual Photo Booth mode creates a fun and engaging photo booth experience that runs in a browser and works on any device.

When your PixiWeb event is operating in Virtual Photo Booth mode you can share your galleries with friends and family no matter where they are. The Virtual Photo Booth mode allows users to use any device as a “photo booth”, turning their phone, tablet, or computer into an interactive digital photo experience for event attendees to view, share, snap and upload photos in real-time!

Some of the best features you’ll want to take advantage of when using PixiWeb in Virtual Photo Booth mode:

  • Design a fun photo overlay frame

  • Customize your virtual photo booth landing page to match your event

  • Encourage attendees to use it early and often

Virtual Photo Booth components:

This mode includes a customizable landing page (similar to a photo booth “start screen”), a photo uploader page that allows users to take and upload their own photos, and a gallery page complete with navigation buttons allowing the users to go “Home”, to “Add Photo”, and to view “Slideshow”. The gallery page carries over the branding from the landing page to create a seamless user experience.

Shared Gallery mode

The perfect way to crowdsource photos from your event attendees into a real-time online gallery.

Photo Sharing Software for Events

Sometimes keeping a variety of tools is more work than it's worth. With PixiWeb, not only do you get to have a fun photo-sharing app available for guests and attendees, but you also end up with an organized archive of photos from all of your events so when you need a photo for reference in the future it's super easy to find.

Gone are the days of relying on event attendees to use your hashtag so you can capture their unique content. By deploying your PixiWeb QR Code throughout your event, you’ll be encouraging attendees to share all of the different perspectives and experiences they’re having at your event.

The list is endless, but a few great examples of the type of content you’ll capture when you use PixiWeb Shared Gallery Mode are:

  • Team Photos

  • Candid Moments

  • Awards Recipients

  • Keynote Speaker

  • Event Design Details

  • Food and Decor

  • Selfies

Shared Gallery components:

This mode is simple and to the point. This mode includes a customizable landing page, but it’s your choice if you want to use it or not. You can link to it as the main page for new users or you can link directly to the photo uploader page to make uploading even quicker and easier. Unlike Virtual Photo Booth mode, the gallery page does not link back to the landing page. Instead, there is simply a quick “Add Photo” button and an optional “Slideshow” button. The gallery page includes the event logo and title. We built this mode for utility and ease of use…and it’s still fun!

Portfolio mode

The simplest way to quickly create an online photo gallery to highlight and watermark photos of your work.

Portfolio Website Software

Maybe you're looking to add a photo portfolio of your art, maybe you're a hair or makeup stylist that wants an easy-to-manage gallery of previous client examples that you can show off to prospective clients. Either way, PixiWeb operating in portfolio mode is an excellent way to make that happen.

PixiWeb Portfolio mode is a standalone photo gallery website that allows a single user to post photos, updates in real-time, and automatically adds a logo or watermark to each image.

When in portfolio mode, PixiWeb displays your gallery for all to peruse without giving viewers the ability to add photos themselves. Save the link to your PixiWeb portfolio uploader so you can add new portfolio pictures whenever it's convenient for you to do so.

With PixiWeb in portfolio mode, you have the ability to share your gallery on social media. When new photos are published using this shared photo app, they'll automatically show up for all of your followers and friends to see without any additional work from you.

The ability to share your work and easily manage it for prospective clients is invaluable. PixiWeb sites can be standalone or embedded, it doesn’t matter

The other thing to remember is that PixiWeb galleries are shareable with more than just your friends. With the click of a button, you can share and promote them to all your social media followers or anyone who might be interested in viewing what you're offering.

Embed mode

Easily embed live photo galleries and a photo slideshow directly into your own website or event platform.

Embed Virtual Photo Booth Software

COVID-19 created a never-before-seen need for virtual event technology that upended the way the entire events industry functioned. While many of these new tools and event platforms have changed the game in terms of accessibility, the real metric event professionals found to be most important was driving attendee engagement.

Running your PixiWeb campaign in Embed mode allows you to embed your PixiWeb gallery or slideshow into your virtual event platform, website or any other application that supports an iframe making your engagement tools a seamless experience for your attendees.

Embed your photo gallery into:

  • Virtual Event Platforms

  • Websites

  • Apps

Copy your embed code directly from the builder and place it wherever you’d like the gallery to appear on your site! Embed mode strips away the buttons, logos, text, and footer which allows the embedded gallery to look like a seamless and integrated widget that doesn’t interfere with the navigation and UI of the “parent website”.

PixiWeb just keeps getting more powerful!

As PixiWeb evolves from being simply virtual photo booth software into a more powerful photo sharing solution for events, PixiWeb “Modes” is just one of the core features that make this tool a no-brainer for anyone trying to increase engagement at events, both virtually, in-person, and hybrid!


QR Codes & Everything You Need to Know About Them


How PixiWeb Can Be a Valuable Sponsorship Asset for Your Event